Do you know Saizeria, a restaurant that is too cheap and too good?

Hi!This is Nami!we will bring you the latest information from Japan!

This time’s theme is this…


We will introduce restaurants that are very popular in Japan!

* This article was written by an administrator who is not good at English using a translation site.


What is Saizeria?

“Saizeria” is an Italian restaurant chain that operates throughout Japan. Not only does it taste good, but it’s also very popular among students, families, and office workers for its low price.

The landmark is this green sign with red letters. There are stores near tourist destinations such as Tokyo, Kyoto, Osaka, and Hiroshima, so be sure to stop by when you come to Japan.


Recommended menu.

“Saizeria” has a variety of menu items such as pasta, salads, hamburgers, and steaks, but the most famous one is a dish called “Milano-style Doria.”

This photo is of Milanese-style Doria(Miranofuudoria) topped with egg.

“Milano-style Doria” is a dish of rice topped with meat sauce and white sauce, and the combination of creamy white sauce and rich meat sauce is so delicious!It’s amazing that it only costs 350yen($2.31)!

Of course, the other dishes are also delicious, but I always end up ordering the “Milano style doria”.lol

By the way, it seems that the name “Milan-style Doria” comes from the fact that the dish is based on Milan’s local dish meat sauce, and it seems that there is actually no menu called “Milan-style Doria” in Milan, Italy.

Another thing I always order is “Karamichikin”.

It’s grilled bone-in chicken, and it’s very juicy and delicious!
And it’s super cheap at 300yen($1.98) for 4 pieces!

It says “spicy”, but in my opinion it’s not spicy at all.


Where is Saizeria?

Saizeria has 1,500 stores across Japan. I think it’s easy to find as it seems to be found in almost every city.

Click here if you want to search.

トップ | 店舗検索 | サイゼリヤ
イタリアンワイン&カフェレストラン サイゼリヤの店舗検索ページです。 各店舗の住所、電話番号、地図、詳細情報などを確認できます

The official website also has a menu, so be sure to take a look at the menus other than those recommended.


From entering Saizeria to leaving.

I think Saizeria is a relatively easy store to enter even if you don’t understand Japanese, as the ordering process is easy and there is little conversation with the staff.
Another great thing is that all the menus have pictures, so it’s easy to understand what kind of dishes are available.

Now, I would like to introduce the flow from entering Saizeria to leaving the store.

First, open the entrance door and enter the store.
If there are seats available at this time, the staff will guide you right away, but if the seats are full, you will have to write your name on the waiting list and wait for a while.

You can write your name in English as long as it’s something Japanese people can read, such as “tom,” but if your name is difficult, I think it’s better to write it in Roman letters like “Tanaka.”

When a seat becomes available, a staff member will call your name and take your seat. There is a menu at your seat, so you decide what you want to eat from the menu and write the number on the paper provided. For example, if it is a “Milan style Doria”, it will be “DG01”.

Hand the paper to the clerk and complete your order. After that, prepare water and drinks until the food arrives, and play spot the differences.

* Free water is available near the drink bar.
* Juices, coffee, etc. can only be consumed by those who have ordered the “drink bar”.

Find the difference behind the children’s menu. It’s really difficult.

Chopsticks, forks, spoons, knives, towels, etc. are available at the table where you sit, so please take as many as you need.

Once you’ve enjoyed your meal, it’s time to pay. Go to the cashier with a piece of paper called “Denpyou” that has the menu and price written on it.

Depending on the store, you can pay by cash or credit card.

There is no need to have a conversation when you leave, but I would appreciate it if you could say, “Gochisousamadeshita”.

“Gochisousamadeshita” in Japanese means “Thank you for the meal” and “It was delicious.”

“Saizeria” is a restaurant that nami also recommends. Please go and check it out!


On this site, Nami, who lives in Tokyo, provides information about Japan. If you have any questions, things you want to see, or places you want to go, please leave a comment.

See you in the next article!

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