Juicy fried chicken for only $1.46.Everyone loves Famichiki!

Hi!This is Nami!we will bring you the latest information from Japan!

This time’s theme is this…


It seems to be famous overseas, but do you know it? Today I would like to introduce Famichiki, which has many fans in Japan.

* This article was written by an administrator who is not good at English using a translation site.


What is “Famichiki”?

“Famichiki” is a type of fried chicken sold at “Family Mart”, a Japanese convenience store.

Convenience stores sell a variety of items such as rice balls, bento boxes, bread, sweets, and daily necessities, but Famichiki is a “hot snack” and is sold warm.

In addition to Famichiki, hot snacks include a variety of other products such as potatoes and croquettes, and they are popular in Japan because they are easy to eat.The hot snacks are fried in oil in-house, so they’re freshly made, which is another reason why they’re so popular.

Now, let me introduce you to Famichiki!


how does it taste?

The colorful paper bag with vertical yellow stripes can be easily cut in half, so you can eat it without getting your hands dirty. Japanese people don’t eat much while walking around, but some people do eat Famichiki occasionally.

Weight is approximately 95 grams.

It looks like this when you lift it up. It’s thinner than I imagined.However, when I tried eating it, I found that the coating was crispy and crispy, and the meat inside was juicy and juicy. This combination of 200 yen chicken and the gravy is amazing!

There was a short that introduced the overflowing meat juices.

The taste is quite strong, so you’ll want some carbonated drink! Convenience stores also sell many types of drinks, so it’s best to buy them along with Famichiki!


Where is it sold? How much can I buy it for?

Famichiki can be purchased at FamilyMart stores throughout Japan. Go to the cash register and tell the clerk, “Famichiki kudasai.” If you don’t understand, you can point to the photo in this article.

There is also something called “Spicy Chicken” which is a bit spicy, so be careful when ordering by pointing!


* Information as of November 2023.

Other famous convenience store chicken include 7-Eleven’s “Nana Chiki” and Lawson’s “L Chiki.” I will write about these two later. I’d like to do some food comparisons, so please look forward to it!


On this site, Nami, who lives in Tokyo, provides information about Japan. If you have any questions, things you want to see, or places you want to go, please leave a comment.

See you in the next article!

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