
Regarding advertisements posted on this site:

This site uses third-party advertising services (Google AdSense) for ad distribution. These advertising distributors may use information about access to this site and other sites, including cookies (excluding names, addresses, email addresses, and telephone numbers), to display advertisements for products and services that match the user’s interests. For more information on the details of this process and how to prevent such information from being used by advertising distributors, please click here regarding Google AdSense.


Regarding the access analysis tool used on this site:

This site uses the Google access analysis tool “Google Analytics” for traffic data collection. This Google Analytics uses cookies for data collection. The traffic data collected is anonymous and does not identify individuals. This function can be rejected by disabling cookies, so please check your browser settings. For more information about this policy, please click here or here.


Regarding comments on this site:

As a response to spam and trolling, this site records the IP address used when leaving comments. This is a standard feature supported by blogs, and the IP address is not used for any purpose other than dealing with spam and trolling. Additionally, the input of email addresses and URLs is optional. Please note that all comments will be reviewed and approved by the site administrator, nami, before being posted. Moreover, comments containing any of the following may not be approved at the discretion of the administrator and may be deleted:

  • Content that defames or slanders specific individuals or corporations.
  • Content that includes extremely obscene material.
  • Content related to prohibited items or requests for acts that are illegal, such as trading prohibited items or requests for or intermediation of acts that harm others.
  • Other content that goes against public order and morals, or content that is deemed inappropriate for approval by the administrator.


We make every effort to provide accurate information on this website, but there may be cases where incorrect information is inadvertently published or where the information is not up-to-date. We reserve the right to change or delete information without notice to ensure accuracy.

If you choose to use the information on this site, please do so at your own risk and responsibility. We cannot be held responsible for any troubles, damages, losses, etc. that may occur as a result of using this site.


Regarding copyright

Regarding the text and images posted on this website, it is prohibited to use or reproduce them without permission beyond the scope of quotation prescribed by the copyright law. When quoting, please clearly indicate this website as the source.

