Do Japanese people hate foreigners?

Hi!This is Nami!we will bring you the latest information from Japan!

This time’s theme is this…

Do Japanese people hate foreigners? I would like to talk about it.

* This article was written by an administrator who is not good at English using a translation site.

* All images on this site are either taken by myself or use free materials.


Are the rumors false? TRUE?

I’m often asked, “Don’t Japanese people (especially the elderly) hate foreigners?” I say it clearly! Not at all!

Why are there such rumors? I was wondering, but I have the impression that Japanese people, especially the elderly, look kind of scary, so I thought that might be the reason…

This is exactly the kind of image I have, but I have never actually seen someone like this before!lol

It is true that there are some Japanese people who don’t like foreign people, but they are in the minority. There are people in your country who hate Japanese people, right? It’s the same.



Actually it was like this…

So why are Japanese people said to hate foreigners? However, I think it’s probably due to the language barrier.

As you know, the main language spoken in Japan is “Japanese”. English is also learned at school, but the time is short and not many Japanese people can speak English satisfactorily.

And because Japanese people tend to be cautious and timid, people get the impression that ”not being able to understand the language” = ”not good at it.” As a result, I can’t talk to foreigners. I’m afraid to even talk to you. This seems to have led to a shift from ”Japanese people being cold towards us” to ”I don’t like foreigners.”

However, as you know, Japanese people are very friendly and will often return your lost wallet or take you to your destination if you ask for directions.

There was a person in Japan who was experimenting with dropping his wallet.


* In this experiment, the wallet was returned every time, but please note that there is no 100% guarantee that it will be returned.

I like how they run after each other, which is very Japanese.

So, don’t worry, you can call out to us and ask us what you want to hear!

However, I’m not good at Japanese, so if possible, please use a translation app or speak slowly.


So please come to Japan with confidence!

As I mentioned above, Japanese people do not hate foreigners. In fact, they are more than welcome, and we are treated just like us Japanese people.

Japan is full of fun leisure facilities, beautiful historical scenery, and delicious food. The coming autumn season is especially pleasant, with the leaves changing color, blue skies, and a refreshing breeze blowing through.

Kiyomizu-dera Temple in autumn leaves.

Fuji Mountain.

Shibuya scramble crossing.

Tokyo Skytree and fireworks.

We will continue to bring you various information about Japan, so please look forward to it.

On this site, Nami, who lives in Tokyo, provides information about Japan. If you have any questions, things you want to see, or places you want to go, please leave a comment.

See you in the next article!

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